Promoting Your Business Online in Uncertain Times


To say it is a unique time is an understatement. The past few weeks have sucked. Including as a business owner or director…

If you were excited about 2020, COVID-19 brought everything to a screeching halt. The chaos and uncertainty has impacted everyone: directors of nonprofit organizations and business owners alike. A couple of months ago we were feeling motivated to take on the world and here we are wondering about our finances, the future, and what to say (publicly) about it all. 


At this point, you have seen a range of responses to the coronavirus pandemic from other businesses. Our inboxes are packed with announcements and messages from every business under the sun.

But what about you?

This is one of the areas of marketing that isn’t talked about a lot because--frankly--we don’t usually need to.

When things get messy, people (including you) need to focus on the important things. There are tons of things that you need to be thinking about - your health and family most of all.

At some point though, you’re going to circle back around to your business and ask “now what”... 

Here are some tips to keep you connected to your community in a positive way...rather than a cringeworthy one.

Don’t Disappear

If you have the option, resist the urge to withdraw from the public eye completely. It might feel like the safe choice, but it isn’t the smart one. Searching for your business probably isn’t the reason that people are online right now, but there are other ways to engage with your community during a tough time. Your social media presence doesn’t HAVE to be 100% promotional.

Bottom line: Social media algorithms favor active users, so disappearing from will only work against you when you try to return.

Be a Calm Voice

During times of distress, there will be panic. It’s guaranteed.

For the sake of your business (and the rest of us), DON’T add fuel to the fire. At best, you will get engagement on your page for the wrong reasons and these people won’t stick around when things go back to normal. At worst, your business will gain an unfavorable reputation in your community based on real or interpreted intent that will inevitably alienate some of your customers.

Just don’t do it.

People ultimately want to know that everything will be okay. Use your social media presence to share resources and tools to help people in your community persevere, especially as a nonprofit organization. Let that be the voice that people remember once the dust settles.

Be Flexible

No small business has “pandemic” written into their business plan. Although everyone is in the same boat, reactions have been drastically different. Some people shut down, and others even lash out at their customers… An actual nightmare!

Don’t be that person!


The best thing to do to promote your business online during a time like this is to get creative and stay flexible.

How can you adapt your business in the short or long-term to stay relevant and HELPFUL to your customers? Do you need to give consultations online, revamp your online store, offer one-on-one advice via video conferencing?

Let your creativity drive where you take your marketing approach and ultimately your business.

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