Posts in Fundraising
Turn Your Fundraiser Guests into Raving Fans

We've all been there. Boring conference chicken. Even more dry speakers. And, we're sitting at the fundraiser just waiting to write a check and run home to catch up on this season of The Bachelor. Are you ready to improve your next nonprofit fundraiser? Or even better - turn your fundraising attendees into regular donors?

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7 Fundraising To-Dos to Increase Your Holiday Donations

For almost all nonprofits, the last 3 months of the year are THE MOST important. 31% of all annual gifts come in in December. With Giving Season Just around the corner, check out these 10 tips to do Giving Season right as a nonprofit fundraiser!

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6 Reasons Why Content Marketing is Important for Your Business

Have you ever wondered if or why you should use content marketing for your business?

Whether you're a small business or larger firm, you need to use content marketing to grow your business.

My clients know my 3 favorite letters: ROI. Well, investing time or money in content marketing can bring a huge return on investment for your business.

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How Should Nonprofits Collect Donations Online?

I constantly hear nonprofits say “we use PayPal to collect donations online.” I want to respond: “And, how many donations do you collect?” Certainly not many. Stripe, PayPal, and other online money collection options are built to do just that - collect money. These platforms are not built to be user-friendly OR entice people to donate.

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Why All Nonprofit Professionals Should Use Grammarly

It was 2016. I was the Director of Public Relations and Development at MRI. Mike with MW Made It and I collaborated on an awesome, branded poster for the first ever Decatur Craft Beer Festival.

The branding for the event was awesome. The logo was awesome (props, Mike!). The poster was awesome. We sent the poster to the printer and distributed matching flyers to 500 or so people. I was really proud of it.

Until I noticed after printing and sending everything out to a gazillion people that “souvenir” was spelled wrong.

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3 Tools for Nonprofits that Will Save You Hours of Volunteer Management

As nonprofit professionals, we've all been there. That event is coming up in three weeks. So for that event, you have a list of volunteer slots. And... a list of 50 million people (board members, volunteers, those BFFs who come through for you) who might volunteer for you...

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